We are very fortunate to have our own dedicated team of NICU Grad Mentor Moms – Kristy, Julie, Ellen, and Wendy. These volunteers have a wealth of experience and knowledge, along with a genuine desire to empower parents and lend moral support.

Preemie Moms
“On the days you feel your worst, remember that you are beautiful.
On the days when you feel exhausted physically and mentally, remember you are amazing.
On the days when you are not sure how much more you can take, look back and see how far you’ve come.
On days you feel like you cannot possibly handle another battle, look at all your scars and be proud of all the battles you have already won.
On the days you feel all alone, please know that you never are.”
poem – www.preemie support and awareness.com
To be put in touch with a mentor, please email: little.lambs.of.HOPE@gmail.com